Menopause: Why do so few women benefit from effective treatments?
A study released in September 2023 showed that a very low percentage of women benefit from effective menopause treatments.
« Only 15% of women suffering from menopausal symptoms receive effective treatments.
These symptoms are numerous: mood and sleep disorders, vasomotor symptoms, urinary problems, loss of sexual desire, weight gain, and even more subtle effects such as osteoporosis.
Why do so few women benefit from effective treatments? Partly because, contrary to popular belief, it’s not enough simply to prescribe female hormones to prevent and treat menopause. The effects of menopause are actually caused by a whole range of hormones that are involved and need to be rebalanced: female hormone, testosterone, DHEA and thyroid! » says Dr. Sabine Vranken
Based on the numerous studies carried out and our clinic’s experience in hormone therapy, with more than 15 hormones treated to the point of reversing aging, we know that we need to balance not only female hormones, but also a whole range of hormones that interact with the effects of menopause:
+ Testosterone: has a direct impact on mood, but also physically, on body firmness.
+ Thyroid: with menopause, there’s a growing risk of hyperthyroidism.
+ DHEA declines sharply with age.
We therefore advise you to consult specialist doctors even before menopause, who will analyze and treat multiple hormone levels.
Click here for the link to the study: