Dr. Hertoghe’s Books

In order to discover more about hormone therapy, discover Dr. Hertoghe’s books:

General Public Books

passion-sex-and-long-lifePassion, Sex and Long life
This general public book focuses on possibly one of the most important hormones for humans. Discover why many people might need to be supplemented with oxytocin, a hormone not only related to orgasms but also to tender love, attachment, friendliness, passion and many more matters. Only available in English.


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hormone-handbookThe Patient Hormone Handbook
This is the general public version of the famous international bestseller for physicians The Hormone Handbook. A must for any patient on hormone therapy! The book includes the 10 principle hormones as well as the most important nutrients and a useful index of complaints related to hormone and nutrient deficiencies. Only available in English.


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hormone-solutionThe Hormone Solution
This book contains all the information necessary to gain insight into what hormone therapies can and cannot do to slow down or reverse aging. Discover 15 hormone therapies and their efficacy to prevent, delay, and partially reverse aging. Only available in English.



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jong-en-gesondJong en Gezond oud Worden
Je blijvend jong en gezond voelen, ook al word je eens dagje ouder, dat is wellicht de droom van iedereen. Een droom die binnenkort binnen ieders bereik zal liggen! In hun boek beschrijven dr. Hertoghe en Dr. Nabet de positieve werking van hormonen – in de vorm van natuurlijke producten – voor ons organisme. In combinatie met vitaminen, mineralen en oligo-elementen kan hormoontherapie niet alleen het leven verlengen, maar ook ouderdomsziektes voorkomen en genezen.


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le-regime-hormoneLe Régime Hormone
Discover how to achieve the optimal hormone balance through your diet. This book explains in detail the healthy and unhealthy foods and dietary habits having an impact in hormone levels. The hormonal diet is a program that seeks to rebalance hormone levels focusing on your eating habits. This diet helps you not only to achieve an ideal weight but also to succeed where other diets fail: boosting your energy, promoting physical and psychological rejuvenation, giving you a better protection against age-related diseases and maybe even provide you with a longer lifespan. Only available in French.

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dheaDHEA, l’Hormone du Mieux-Vivre
This is a very well-referenced book on DHEA therapy for the general public. The book reviews all the available and useful knowledge on DHEA therapy. It is especially useful for patients and physicians willing to discover the best applications of DHEA therapy and find science-based medical board justification of the use of DHEA in clinical practice. Only available in French.


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comment-rester-jeune-plus-longtempsComment rester jeune plus longtemps
This bestseller for the general public book explains in detail the role of hormones in your organism. Learn how hormone therapy associated with a healthy lifestyle and the intake of vitamins, minerals and trace elements can help you not only to gain years of life but also to prevent and cure age-related diseases.Only available in French.


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Health Professional Books

Testosterone, the therapy for real gentlemen

Testosterone, The Therapy for Real Gentlemen, is designed to increase the physician’s skills in testosterone treatment. Teaching the reader efficacy and safety in applying testosterone treatment is the main aim of the book.


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Reversing Physical Aging

In this complete textbook discover how to reset or reduce all aspects of physical aging of the head – hair, face – and the 5 senses – vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. This practical guide is full of ready-to-use information for medical therapies that reverse each physical aging signs and assesses the efficiency of each treatment. This textbook has four main characteristics that make it invaluable to physicians: the applicability of the therapies, the completeness of the topics, the scientific evidence and the abundance of innovative information paramount to the reverse-aging process.

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The Hormone Handbook
The famous internationally acclaimed bestseller on practical hormone therapy for physicians—a must for every specialist. This international practical hormone therapy bestseller for physicians reviews in detail the 18 most important hormone therapies. The second half of the book contains extensive lists of scientific references for the application of each hormone therapy for mind, body, disease, and lifespan including references on the major controversies.

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The Atlas of endocrinology for Hormone Therapy
This unique atlas shows the physical signs and complaints regarding the 36 major hormone deficiencies and excesses encountered by physicians in their practices. The essential complement to The Hormone Handbook! The Atlas contains about 500 exceptional pictures of patients with minor physical endocrine signs and more than 200 additional pictures and figures often not shown in the traditional atlas of endocrinology. This book provides extensive schematic overviews of the many physical signs and is enriched by comprehensive literature reviews.


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Textbook of Nutrient Therapy

Possibly THE most practical textbook on nutritional therapies. Heavily referenced textbook on nutritional therapies with basic information on nutrients and the practical application of nutrient therapy for the most important diseases (contains tables comparing doses and stages of disease at which each nutrient helps). The textbook you need to take The Board Certification in Nutritional Therapies.


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Textbook of Lifespan and Anti-Aging Medicine

THE textbook on anti-aging medicine. This extensively referenced textbook on lifespan and anti-aging medical therapies introduces basic theoretical information on senescence and biological age measurement, alongside practical information on how to improve health and well-being and delay or minimize disease and aging through each type of therapy. This book, in handout format, is the best choice for a sound and comprehensive introduction to anti-aging medicine and to acquire solid competencies.

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